In this course, you’ll acquire the foundational and advanced skills needed to manage and manipulate relational databases with precision. We have designed the curriculum in such a way that it focuses on teaching you how to write efficient queries, design and optimize database schemas, and perform complex data analysis. You’ll learn to extract valuable insights from large datasets using SQL’s powerful querying capabilities, ensuring you can handle data retrieval, updating, and reporting tasks with confidence. By mastering SQL, you’ll enhance your ability to manage data effectively, and support data-driven decision-making.
Anyone and Everyone: Anyone and Everyone working in non-technical backgrounds seeking to transition into technical roles by acquiring SQL skills to bridge the gap between their current positions and new technical opportunities
Aspirants: Anyone who wants to become Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Power BI Developer, Financial Analyst, Software Developer, Data Scientist, Database Administrator, Back-end Developer, Manager, HR Professional, Consultant, MIS Executive, and more
Experience Professionals: Anyone who deals with large volumes of data and wants to manage and process it effectively to extract valuable insights
Students and Graduates: Students or Graduates who want to add a valuable technical skill to their resume
Curious to Learn
Willingness to Practice
Course content
IMPORTANT: Currently we are re-desiging all our courses and latest syllabus will be available as soon as it is ready.
1.Installing & Setting Up SQL Server
Download SQL Server
Installing SQL Server
2.Introduction To Data, DBMS & RDBMS
What is Data
Types Of Data
What Is Database
What Is DBMS?
What Is RDBMS?
What is SQL
3.Database Normalization
What Is Database Normalization
Importance Of Database Normalization
Normalization To 3NF
4.Getting Started With SQL Server
Understanding SQL Server
Overview Of SQL Server Management Studio
5.Importing Excel And Flat Files
Import Data From Excel File
Import Data From Flat File
6.Understanding Data Types In SQL Server
Choosing Appropriate Data Type
Key Generating
Choosing Data Type For Keys
7.Creating Database, Schema And Table In SQL Server